Nicholas Longo
Ph.D. - Education University of Minnesota
Brief Biography:
Nicholas V. Longo is a chair and professor of Global Studies and co-director of the Dialogue, Inclusion, and Democracy (DID) Lab at Providence College, where he also serves as a faculty fellow for engaged scholarship for Center for Teaching Excellence.
Area(s) of Expertise:
Civic education; engaged learning; community-based learning; deliberative pedagogy; youth political engagement
Selected Publications:
Perrotti, C. Longo, N. Plaut , J. Bush, A. (2024) Learning through collaboration: Reflections on cultivating cross-institutional capacity for place-based community engagement. Metropolitan Universities.
Longo, N. (2023) Practicing Democracy: A Toolkit for Educating Civic Professionals. AAC&U and Campus Compact
Longo, N. (2022) Does Place Still Matter? The Future of Higher Education Depends on Vibrant Local Communities. (TIAA Institute),
Longo, N. McMillan, J. (2020) Knowledge Exists in Many Spaces: Civic Possibilities through Deliberative Pedagogy. Journal of Language & Literacy Education .
Longo, N. Shaffer, T. (2019) Creating Space for Democracy: A Primer on Dialogue and Deliberation in Higher Education. Stylus
Longo, N. (2019) In Julie A. Hatcher, Robert G. Bringle, and Thomas W. Hahn (Ed.), Service Learning and the Democratic Project: Building Bridges for the Next Generation Research Agenda. Stylus
Longo, N. Shaffer, T. Manosevitch, I. Thomas, M. (2017) Deliberative Pedagogy: Teaching and Learning for Democratic Engagement. Michigan State University Press
Longo, N. Alonso Garcia, N. (2017) Doing More with Less: Civic Practices for Longer-Term Impact in Global-Service Learning. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad.(XXIX), 35-50.
Longo, N. Post, M. Ward, E. Saltmarsh, J. (2016) Publicly Engaged Scholars: Next Generation Engagement and the Future of Higher Education. Stylus Publishing
Longo, N. (2013) Deliberative Pedagogy in the Community: Connecting Deliberative Dialogue, Community Engagement, and Democratic Education. Journal of Public Deliberation.
Longo, N. Gibson, C. (2011) From Command to Community: A New Approach to Leadership Education in Colleges and Universities. Tufts University Press
Longo, N. (2007) Why Community Matters: Connecting Education with Civic Life. SUNY Press
Selected Presentations:
Perrotti, C. Longo, N. Plaut, J. Bush, A. Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities Annual Conference. Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities, Washinton, DC - "Learning through collaboration: Cultivating a cross-institutional community engagement strategy " , 2023
Longo, N. Institute on Civic Prompts in the Major: Designs in Social Responsibility and the Public Good. AAC&U , Los Angeles and Washington, DC - "Thinking Outside the Classroom: Building Reciprocal, Asset-Based Community Partnerships to Educate Civic Professionals" , 2020
Longo, N. Bush, A. Eatman, T. Gururaj, S. AAC&U Annual Meeting on Shaping the Future of Higher Education. , Washington, DC - "Not Enough Impact: (Re)Imagining How ‘High Impact Practices’ Can Be Part of a Larger Agenda for Public Engagement" January, 2020
Longo, N. . National Campus Compact, Indianapolis, IN - "Dialogue for a Stronger Democracy: A Guide for the Perplexed" March, 2018
Longo, N. Keynote Speech for PACE Conference. North Carolina Campus Compact, Elon College - "Next Generation Engagement: Building on History, Charting New Pathways" February, 2018
Longo, N. . Colby College, Waterville, ME - "Civic Possibilities: A Workshop on Infusing Engagement into the Curriculum" November, 2017
Longo, N. Keynote Speech for Citizenship Week. Miami University, Hamilton, OH - "Thinking Outside the (Ballot) Box: Building Citizen Leadership for Democracy" September, 2016
Longo, N. Campus Compact. , Boston, MA - "Paper: Next Generation of Engagement Scholars: Who They Are and How Campuses can Support Them" March, 2016
Longo, N. Council on International Educational Exchange. , Berlin, Germany - "Session: Service-learning and Collaborative Engagement across Borders: Making Short-term Abroad Impact Last Locally" November, 2015
Bush, A. Longo, N. Driessen, M. Rhode Island Student Summit. Rhode Island Campus Compact Roger Williams University, - "Advocating for increased service-learning on campus" February, 2011